Walking tourism is a popular way to explore — and get fit

| 04 Mar 2019 | 12:14

    The World Tourism Organization of the United Nations says walking tourism has become one of the most popular ways to explore the uniqueness of a place.
    In a new report, the organization says walking tourism allows visitors to better engage with local people, nature, and culture. It improves their physical and mental health while helping them more fully understand the heritage and landscape of the places they're visiting.
    Walking requires little equipment beyond sturdy shoes and clothing suitable for the outdoors. Tourists can choose routes to fit their needs with regard to length, difficulty, and attractions along the way. In addition, says the report, communities that develop walking tourism reap social and economic benefits.
    The full "Walking Tourism" report, available at the UNWTO Elibrary (www.e-unwto.org), showcases successful examples of walking tourism.