Better wear a mask around anti-vax letter writer

| 07 Jun 2021 | 05:47

    To the Editor:

    In Ms. Speck’s letter, “Painful truths met with derision” she seeks to justify her position voiced in a previous letter “Why I won’t have the Shot.” Both letters are rich in conspiracy theories and short on facts. There is one undeniable truth which she does not mention and which is clearly evident to anyone who takes the time to research it. The precipitous drop in Covid cases and deaths is coincidental with the increasing vaccination numbers. I’m not saying it’s all due to the vaccine, but it’s definitely helping us move in the right direction.

    She expresses the bizarre sentiment that since the survival rate is 99.6% (it’s more like 98.2%) we shouldn’t be vaccinating. If you extrapolate that “survival rate” onto the entire U.S. population you’re talking about 6 million people dying. The comments about the vaccine’s antibodies being stronger than those in our body demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge of antibody production. Hint – vaccines don’t contain antibodies. They contain a protein called an antigen which triggers our bodies to produce antibodies.

    Her comments about being thwarted in obtaining a religious exemption are equally bizarre. No one’s being forced to be vaccinated. Then, to compare the heroic vaccination efforts by our medical professionals and legions of volunteers to medical experiments done by Nazis is way over the top.

    If you know this woman, I would recommend wearing a mask around her so you don’t catch what she has.

    Manfried Braun
