County mulls Santos purchase

| 29 Sep 2011 | 01:25

    Milford —Pike County officials are looking for Milford Township and borough support for the purchase of the low-lying portion, some 90 acres, of the Santos Farm property on US Route 6/209. Commissioners Chair Richard Caridi said Pike would leverage $700, 000 in county preservation bond money to gain matching Pa. Department of Conservation and Natural Resources funding. The Milford Borough Council, while noting it had no financial responsibility and that the property is in another municipality, voted its endorsement Monday evening. Earlier Monday, the Milford Township Supervisors decided to ask the county for more specifics about its plans. Chair, Don Quick said the county purchase would be easier to deal with than one by the National Park Service, as the township has concerns about river access for a future municipal sewage treatment plant or spray irrigation system. Quick said that the NPS has blocked those efforts in past. Caridi said that at present, the county has no specific plans for the property. “We believe it benefits everyone,” he said. He said a county spokesman for the project will attend the next supervisors meeting, which is scheduled for July 21.