Karate club succeeds at event
| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:59
Lords valley - Pictured members of the Martial Arts Academy of Lords Valley won trophies and medal at a recent Karate Championship on Lehighton on Sunday, October 9. The event was Grand Master Nenow’s 29th Semi-annual open competition. Chris Mendes won first place trophies for kata (forms) and weapons, and his son Antonio won first place in sparring. Sean Garris won first place in sparring, and 4th place in weapons. Trevor Reilly took home a 3rd place medal in sparring.His brother Austin won both 2nd place in katas and third place in sparring. The Martial Arts Academy of Lords Valley meets Tuesday and Friday nights at the Hemlock Farms Steer Barn. For more information, contact Shihan Fred Catanzariti at 570-686-3344.