Comments sought on court changes

| 09 Feb 2012 | 01:55

    DINGMAN — President Judge Joseph Kameen has notifed Dingman Township the general public, asking for comments on the intended re-alignment of Magisterial District Justice Offices for Pike County.

    There are currently four District Justice Offices in Pike County but as of Jan. 6, 2014, one will be eliminated. Each of the three remaining district offices will have additional areas from the closing of that office creating a re-alignment of Pike County Magisterial District Offices. Dingman Township will now be split betweeen two magisterial districts.

    Anyone wishing to submit a public comment of the proposed changes should send it to the Court Administration Office, 410 Broad Street, Milford, PA 18337 by February 17, 2012 and it will be included in the final report going to the Pennsylvania Supremem Court.