Milford. Comprehensive Plan survey questions available to public

| 10 May 2023 | 08:15

    Milford Township, Pennsylvania’s Planning Board and Board of Supervisors are seeking public input regarding their current Comprehensive Plan.

    Several survey questions are available and can be filled out in person during the municipal primary elections on May 16, 2023 (until 8 p.m.) at the Milford Township Municipal Building, located at 560 RT. 6 & 209, Milford. The survey questions may be considered for several days and mailed (Milford Township, PO Box 366, Milford PA), emailed (, or dropped off at the township building at a time that is convenient to those willing to participate.

    The Comprehensive Plan (Update) will provide a document that guides Milford Township policy decisions on a wide range of topics and services over a 10-year time period. The Plan acts as a blueprint for future development in the township and will clearly describe preferred development types, intensities, desired land use composition, and public needs under these categories: land use, housing, transportation, community facilities and utilities, economic development, natural and historic resources, reliable sources of water, interrelationships of these elements, and implementation strategies to achieve them.

    The Comprehensive Plan is meant to reflect the vision and priorities of the Milford Township community and its residents. The Planning Board wishes to provide ample opportunity for citizens to be heard.

    Comments from all members of the community are valued. To learn more about the Comprehensive Plan, citizens are encouraged to attend the Comprehensive Planning workshops which are held at 7 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month at the Milford Township Municipal building.

    • What: 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update Input Needed
    • When: March 2023 – July 2023
    • Where: Fill out a survey provided in-person during the municipal primaries at the Milford Township Municipal Building and mail (Milford Township, PO Box 366, Milford PA) , email (, or drop your responses off at the township building.