Session to help residents understand their local government
DINGMANS FERRY - If you are confused about local government in Pennsylvania you are not alone. On Thursday, October 27 at the Delaware Township Building, Dingmans Ferry there will be a meeting for residents of northeastern Pennsylvania interested in learning more about how local government works. Local governments have a great deal of control over and responsibility for the local decisions that affect them. Because local government plays such an important role in each of our lives, it is essential that all citizens have an understanding and appreciation for the people and responsibilities that we collectively call “local government”. The program is designed to provide residents with a better understanding of the process by which local Township Supervisors and Borough Council members make decisions about land use changes and issues. Penn State Extension Agent Peter Wulfhorst will present the session. The meeting, open to the public free of charge, is being organized by the Pike Conservation Partnership, a group of agencies throughout the northeast area that focus on supporting and implementing civic engagement and community involvement to promote livable, economically viable communities and the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. They also hope to provide a better understanding of how local municipalities - Township and Borough Planning Commissions and Boards of Supervisors - make the many land use decisions for their communities and how individuals can become active in their communities by participating in the local government process. The session will also discuss several local government planning tools such as comprehensive plans, subdivision and land development ordinances and zoning ordinances. Pike, Monroe and Wayne Counties are currently the three fastest growing counties in the entire Commonwealth. More and more issues are arising over land use changes taking place in the northeast, and citizens need to become better aware of how their local elected officials take action on these issues. The Municipalities Planning Code provides the backing for the decisions made by these officials. Wulfhorst will explain the process and opportunities for public input. “Understanding Local Government in Pennsylvania ” is scheduled for Thursday, October 27 from 7 to 9 p.m.. Interested residents and local officials are encouraged to attend the session at the Delaware Township Building. Registration is suggested so that handouts can be prepared. Registration, questions and/or more information on the meeting can be directed to Michele Ulmer, the Pike County Conservation District Education Coordinator at 570-226-8220.