Please return my gift
To the Editor: This is a letter to the thief who stole my skis at Big Bear sat night. Not only did you steal my brand new pair of skis (the first new ones I’ve gotten in 18 years) but you stole my Christmas present given to me by my kids and my husband. My kids picked them out themselves to surprise me with. You took that away from them. You also took away the security we all feel when we leave our stuff outside while we are in the lodge. Big Bear is a nice, family oriented ski area, run by nice people and used by mostly nice people. You just proved there are “rotten apples’ everywhere. What kind of person sees something they want and thinks it’s okay for them to just take it? So if someone in your house, or one of your friends shows you “their new Atomic J X7 150’s,” report them to security at Big Bear lodge. And to the lousy jerk who stole them, if you ever develop a conscience, return them; because to you they are just skis, to me they are my children’s gift. Thank you to the staff at Big Bear for giving me rentals, so I was able to spend the rest of the night skiing with my family. Dot Devuyst Milford