Voting pro-life

| 29 Sep 2011 | 09:47

    To the editor: The Santorum-Casey race is heating up. It is heartening to know that Bob Casey is pro-life. After all, his father, Robert P. Casey, Governor of Pennsylvania from 1987-1995, was solidly pro-life, and paid a heavy price for his position in both the 1992 and 1996 Democratic Conventions. He was silenced. He worried that the Democratic Party was becoming “little more than an auxiliary” of the abortion industry. Indeed, our own Governor Rendell’s budget includes $5 million for “family planning”, which includes abortion. So, Bob Casey can be and is pro-life: a “chip off the old block”; but he will be unable to change the position of his party, committed to Roe vs.Wade: responsible for the deaths of millions of unborn babies. My vote is with Santorum. His pro-life record is impeccable. Virginia M. Sullivan Hawley