EagleFest announces program schedule

| 29 Sep 2011 | 07:56

    Narrowsburg - EagleFest organizers, the Delaware Valley Eagle Alliance, have planned expanded and new programs for the fifth annual EagleFest. Scheduled now for Saturday, Jan. 14, (rain, snow, or shine), the day will kick off with opening dedications at 9:30 a.m. in the Narrowsburg, school auditorium. Following the opening, live eagles and other birds of prey will be presented by Bill Streeter of the Delaware Valley Raptor Center in Milford. This program begins at 10:30 a.m. and is repeated at 1 p.m. Donation of $1.00 for each program. Other events of the day will include: • “Bald Eagle Conservation Efforts,” is a panel discussion hosted by Don Hamilton, National Park Service, with prominent state agency wildlife experts from NY, NJ and PA. • “America’s Bald Eagle - A Conservation History From Hawk Mountain by Keith Bildstein,Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, at the Tusten Theater. • “Habitat Preservation Issues” will be discussed by Eric Stiles, of NJ Audubon and Lori McKean, of the Eagle Institute at the Delaware Valley Arts Alliance • The movies - “American Bald Eagle Heritage on the Wing”, “Life on the Delaware” and “Down the Upper Delaware, a Sojourn Through Time” at the Narrowsburg Firehouse Conference Center. New and diverse children’s programs include: • “LIVE Bird of Prey” An owl presentation for children by Lauren Butcher of the Raptor Trust at the Delaware Valley Arts Alliance. • John and Teresa Crerand will present a new “The adventures of Christopher Otter” at the Narrowsburg school cafeteria. Concurrently, outdoor activities will be happening throughout the community. The Main Street Deck will have Eagle Institute volunteers to help everyone properly view Eagles over the Big Eddy of the Delaware River. High Point Scientific of Montague will have binoculars and birding scopes. There will be ice carvers throughout town demonstrating their skills. Visit our web sites at: www.naturesartllc.com or www.narrowsburg.org or call: 845-252-6509 (Nature’s Art LLC)