End of the Civil War celebration

PORT JERVIS — A celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the End of the Civil War will take place on June 20 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Orange Square in Port Jervis.
The 45-foot tall Civil War monument in Orange Square will be surrounded by an encampment of soldiers.
Among those participating will be the 124th New York known as the Orange Blossoms, Co. L 15th New York Volunteer Cavalry, 143rd New York Volunteer Infantry, and Lee’s Battery Virginia Light Artillery.
President and Mrs. Lincoln will be onsite in the afternoon to greet visitors and talk about their lives. Rumors are that Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant will also make an appearance. Bring a camera for photo ops; they will provide the backdrop. The Broome Street Fife and Drum Corps will be entertaining with lively music.
In the First Presbyterian Church vestibule there will be a display of authentic Civil War clothing by Juanita Leisch Jensen. The movie, "The Red Badge of Courage," will be shown several times during the day in the church’s Marsh Hall.
Tri-State Historical Societies will have Civil War displays in the Drew United Methodist Church’s Fellowship Hall. Stephen Crane’s father was the minister in the original church on this site. Robert Eurich will give a presentation titled “Stephen Crane: His Civil War Veteran Neighbors and The Red Badge of Courage."
Cub Scouts from the Delaware River District, Boy Scout Troop 378, Venturing Crew 268, Girl Scout Troop 378 and Girl Scout Troop 443 will be on hand to assist with many of the activities.
The Gray-Parker Funeral Home’s 1867 Hearse and Pike County Historical Society’s 19th century Hiawatha stagecoach will provide another spot for photos. There will be activities and lectures offered throughout the day for the young and young at heart.
Peter Osborne and Richard Roberts will lead a bus tour of the Civil War Veteran’s burial sites in the historic Laurel Grove Cemetery. This is a presentation by Port Jervis Tourism Board and Minisink Valley Historical Society.
For more information contact William Schill at SCHILLNYC@aol.com or 845-856-6741.