GardenFest is coming in May

| 29 Apr 2015 | 11:17

The Penn State Master Gardeners of Pike County are hosting an all-day "GardenFest 2015" gardening symposium on Saturday, May 2 at the Pike County Training Center, in Lords Valley from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Speakers will appeal to both beginning and experienced garden enthusiasts. Vendors will display garden related tools, plants, accessories, and gifts.

Topics include: Vincent Cotrone, Penn State Northeast Regional Extension Urban Forester will speak about how gardeners have to learn ways of adapting to the new normal issues of invasive species, drought, extreme heat, and early bud break followed by frost.

Catherine Bennet and Les Ferguson, Orange County. NY Master Gardeners will demonstrate tools that will save your backs and knees and keep the fun in gardening.

Susan Dollard, Master Gardener Coordinator of Sullivan County, NY will teach how to garden in a woodland area.

Ed Knittle and other Carbon County, PA Master gardeners will help you know good bugs from bad ones.

Jean Kolojejchick and Roseann Nardone, Luzerne County PA, Master Gardeners, will detail how to add garden plants, structures and accessories to express your personality.

Tom Manza, owner of the Manza Family Farm and Nursery will share what's new in landscaping materials that are deer resistant, colorful and good for the environment.

Bonnie Morgan, horticultural professional will share practical ideas that will increase your vegetable yield and save money, too.

The registration fee of $30 includes the keynote speaker and choice of breakout speakers, a boxed lunch, and vendors. There is a discounted registration available for Master Gardeners and Garden Club groups. To register, visit