Hear explorer David Irwin describe his Arctic trek
Milford. The Columns Museum director, Lori Strelecki wrote the script, which will be performed by Tom Park in a one-man show on Feb. 28. The free performance is made possible by a grant by the Greater Pike Community Foundation.

The adventures of David Irwin, who survived a 2,000-mile trip across the Arctic that began in 1932, will be presented in a preview by American Readers Theatre (ART) of "Alone: Across the Top of the World" at the Columns, the Pike County Historical Society's museum.
Thanks to a grant from Greater Pike Community Foundation, the performance will be free to be public. It will be presented at 7 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 28, at the Columns Museum, 608 Broad St., Milford.
Museum Director Lori Strelecki wrote the script that will be performed by Tom Park in a one-man show. A wine and cheese reception follows the show.
ART Director Jeffrey Stocker will bring Irwin’s story to the Delaware Valley Middle Schools in June.
“Thanks to the generosity of Greater Pike Community Foundation, we are continuing our 'Living History' project for the Delaware Valley School District," Stocker said. "A Greater Pike grant also allowed us to bring the story of Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony to the schools last year.”
Strelecki obtained a map of Irwin’s trek that Stocker will share with the students. She noted that Irwin lived for a short time in Dingmans Ferry before moving to Scotrun. To write the script, she used historical records, a 1935 book about his journey, and other research materials.
“We have a few artifacts pertaining to him here in the museum, so it was nice to personify him," said Strelecki.
Park also did his research. He read the 1935 book, titled "Alone Across The Top Of The World: The Authorized Story Of The Arctic Journey Of David Irwin," as told to Jack O' Brien.
“It’s a story of survival and pure courage," Park said. "He traveled across a vast region of the Arctic, and it was amazing what he was able to do on his own. I hope what I can do conveys that to the audience.”
Irwin’s trek with dogs and a sled made headline news. He was discovered near death by Eskimos and rescued.
Was he a hero? You decide.
“We have a few artifacts pertaining to (David Irwin) here in the museum, so it was nice to personify him." --Lori Strelecki