Master Gardener training is beginning

| 22 Sep 2015 | 04:20

To the Editor:
Do you have some time on your hands and would like to get involved in a new interest?

Do you enjoy helping your neighbors?

Are you interested in trying new things?

Do you enjoy gardening (vegetable and/or flower)?

Would you like to learn about the latest gardening information from Penn State experts?

Master Gardeners of Pike County are looking for people who are interested in gardening and in learning to share that passion with the Pike County community. The course will be held weekly for a small group of people in a convenient location. It will last from October until March.

Master Gardeners are involved in many activities that are very personally rewarding. We run monthly workshops at the library. We have developed programs for the elementary schools in the county. We have a weekly hotline to answer questions and a weekly booth at the Milford Farmers Market. We have provided consultations for Community Gardens and other gardens in the county

Our first county day long workshop, "Gardenfest," was held in May and was a great success. In the next year we hope to break ground on a garden to commemorate the life of Trooper Bryon K. Dickson II.

Workshops are always available from Penn State to expand our knowledge about gardening topics. We encourage the community to develop Pollinator Gardens to help the plight of the honey bee. There is surely something you would enjoy.

Join us! We have lots of ideas and could use some more like minded people to work with us. We are a great group and have a lot of fun! Time is passing and you must call the extension office 570-296-3400. Don't wait!

Beth Grosso
Master Gardeners of Pike County
