Pike photographer gets national exposure

WASHINGTON - Milford photographer, Norma Bernstock is one of twelve photographers nationwide whose work has been accepted for the exhibition, “The Invisible Age,” opening on September 23 at District Fine Arts Gallery, in Washington, D.C. The exhibit includes photographic self-portraits by women between the ages of 50 and 65. In describing the show, the curators say, “This exhibit is a response to the fact that our society sees and values younger women for their beauty and energy. At the same time, society sees and values older women for their wisdom and character. But fifty to sixty-five-ish women are, it would seem, of little value and practically invisible.” They go on to say, “There have been a few efforts to portray women in this age group, but these efforts have usually consisted of portraits done by someone else; the view from the outside looking in. Most miss the point, at least visually, of what it is for a woman to be of this certain age,’ in this society. This show gives 12 women photographers a voice to express what it truly means to be at the invisible age.” Bernstock is a member of the Highlands Photographic Guild, a cooperative photography gallery in Milford. For more information about this show, please call Norma Bernstock at 570-296-2440. More of Bernstock’s work can be seen at the gallery, located at 224 Broad Street next to the Wachovia Bank or at the guild’s Web site, www.highlandsphotoguild.com.