Relay for Life at DV this Saturday

MILFORD — Relay for Life — to be held Saturday, June 6, at Delaware Valley High School — is not just a race. It's people joining together to help fight cancer.
Anyone interested in forming a team or joining a team should call Ryan Schofield at the American Cancer Society, 570-562-9749. There are 46 teams so far.
On the day of the event a vendor fair will take place on the field in front of the elementary school from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Survivor Dinner takes place at 6 p.m. Cancer survivors and those presently battling cancer are invited. There is no charge but reservations are necessary. Local businesses are providing a delicious menu. Call Pat at 570-686-1509 or Marie at 570-296-2456.
Following the dinner will be a ceremony on the track honoring those who have survived cancer and in memory of and those who have not. You can also purchase a luminary candle to be placed on the track in memory or in honor of someone. For those who cannot make it to the event and want to purchase a luminary, call Phil at 570-296-2456.