Robert Dale Chorale to perform

MILFORD - On Saturday, May 6 at 7:30 p.m., the Robert Dale Chorale will present a concert of chamber music at the Miiford United Methodist Church, 206 East Ann Street, Milford. Founded in 1977 by Robert Dale Herrema, the Chorale is the premier professional chamber choir in Northeast Pa. The group has received critical acclaim for their performances of choral works ranging from Renaissance to Contemporary. They have appeared on local television, on VWIA-FM Concert Hall, and on many regional performing arts series. For over two decades, the Robert Dale Chorale has hosted a Bach Festival in the spring, bringing two days of world-class organ and chamber music to area audiences, and a much-loved “Messiah” Sing-Along at Christmas, as well as performing seasonal concerts all through the year. This spring’s concert will include musical favorites by Mozart, John Rutter, Randall Thompson, Richard Rogers (Rogers & Hammerstein) and Cole Porter. Proceeds from the concert will benefit the church’s Organ Restoration Fund. To reserve tickets, or for more information, please call the church office at 570-296-6124 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Tickets prices are: $15, seniors $10, and students $7.