Stronger Together women’s support group reboots
First Meeting set for Tuesday, May 24

Honesdale, PA — The peer support group, Stronger Together – Women Supporting Each Other Across the Lifespan, which initially launched in January of 2020, is officially “rebooting”. Group members chose to take a hiatus amid COVID concerns. A kickoff meeting to reacquaint former members and welcome new participants will be Tuesday, May 24 at 6 p.m. Meetings will now be held at the Women’s Health Center in Honesdale, 110 Park Street. The support group is free and open to all women age 18 or older.
Through an informal atmosphere, Stronger Together provides a forum for women to share personal experiences, coping strategies and firsthand information on a variety of health topics. Guest speakers will be invited based on interests and goals identified by the group.
Hybrid formats with both in-person and online attendance proved to be challenging in April of 2021 while transmission of the virus remained prevalent. However, organizers anticipate renewed fervor in bringing the group back while community infection rates are lower.
“We started off with such great energy, developing group norms and deciding which topics we’d discuss next,” said Group Facilitator Christina MacDowell, DNP, Certified Nurse-Midwife at the Women’s Health Center, who also delivers newborns at Wayne Memorial Hospital. “Women have been reaching out to me asking when we can make Stronger Together a reality again. Now is the time.”
No prior registration or membership is needed to attend meetings. For information about Stronger Together, call the Women’s Health Center, part of Wayne Memorial Community Health Centers, at 570-253-3005. Visit to learn about all the services offered by the Women’s Health Center.