Been bullied in school? 1 in 3 say yes

Most bullying occurs in middle school, and somewhere between 1 in 4 and 1 in 3 students in the U.S say they have been bullied at school.
Straus News asked readers about their experiences. 91% of readers who responded said they were bullied. 68% said they were bullied in middle or high school. 51% said they were physically bullied. People described their experiences.
"I get bullied because I have special needs and kids in school bully me."
"I was tormented every day at school. It was a nightmare the only friends I had were either teachers or a few older kids. It was a miracle I stayed in school and finished. I believe the only reason I did is because I love learning."
"I had long hair that was constantly pulled, I was spit on, and had many fist fights trying to defend myself. I believe that it was because I didn’t have nice clothes, and we didn’t have a lot of money. I was beat up and picked on constantly from primary through middle school all the way till high school where I decided to quit in the ninth grade in order to make it stop. I later went in to get my GED and have finally finished college, with a 3.9 GPA. I didn’t hate school, just hated the way I was treated"
"Bad acne, made fun of constantly, I was bullied into becoming a bully myself."
Some wisdom shared by readers:
"Find someone to talk to and do not hold the experience inside! You aren't alone. There is more kindness in the world than might be readily apparent. Empathy and support is out there for you!"
"I would tell the person that is being bullied to find someone that would help them, keep looking, whether their parents, counselor or even a law enforcement official. Someone will help you."
"If I knew than what I know now, I would say to go to a teacher or your parents, no one should have to deal with this alone."
The long term effects of bullying (waiting on info from school psychologist.)
Contacted Angela Blake (Goshen), Amber Porzio (Vernon), Kira Hardner (Sparta), and Jean Marie Paulik (Florida) still waiting to hear back from anyone, sent emails and left messages. Next course of action is trying to get ahold of Sparta’s Anti Bullying Director in the superintendent’s office.