Additional warming centers open overnight for homes without heat in Milford
Milford. UGI is still working to restore natural gas to homes affected by its natural gas outage. The effort is expected to continue into Friday. Overnight warming centers have been secured for those who are still without heat. If you are affected by this outage and would like to share your experience with our newspaper, please email:

According to the latest update from UGI, its effort to restore natural gas to the affected homes in Milford is likely to continue into Friday.
Temperatures are expected to dip to 20 degrees tonight in Milford. The outage affected approximately 1,400 homes.
The restoration process requires all homes’ gas meters to be shut down at once. As of 6 p.m. Thursday evening, UGI told the Pike County Courier that this first step is nearly complete, with only about a dozen homes left to turn off.
Once all affected homes’ lines have been turned off, UGI can reintroduce gas to the system. Then, UGI personnel need to access each affected home or business to turn the natural gas back on and light all appliances.
“Our goal is to still restore as many as possible tonight,” said UGI representative Joseph Swope. Those who UGI is not able to see tonight will have their natural gas restored tomorrow, he added.
There are more than 80 UGI employees going home-to-home tonight and tomorrow to restore natural gas access.
Overnight warming centers available
Milford Borough Council established four overnight warming centers for those in need:
• Matamoras Fire Department: 506 Avenue Q, Matamoras
• Sunshine Station: 476 US-6, Milford Township
• Milford Bible Church: 110 Foxcroft Ave., Dingman Township
• Tom Quick Inn: 411 Broad St., Milford Borough
According to Milford Borough’s update, masks are required and pets are not allowed at the warming centers. People are encouraged to bring their own sleeping bags and blankets, along with anything else that would make them comfortable. All warming centers will have water, and some will have food as well.
The Dimmick Inn is also operating as a warming center from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., and offering free pizza courtesy of The Daily Grind.
If you leave your home, Milford Borough Council recommends posting an emergency contact number in a prominent location for UGI employees.
“Please keep an eye on your neighbors and each other as we get through this outage in a safe manner,” the Borough Council added to its update.
Getting your natural gas restored
According to the utility company’s press release, “UGI natural gas service customers in the Milford area who are affected by this outage do not need to call UGI to report an outage. However, customers who smell gas should immediately call UGI at 1-800-276-2722.”
Use supplemental heat sources with caution
• Do not use an open oven or grill inside your home to provide heat.
• Use caution when using unvented space heaters, which can be a source of carbon monoxide. Always follow manufacturer’s directions regarding the use of these heaters.
• Be sure to provide adequate ventilation in areas where a space heater is used. Do not use unvented heaters in bedrooms, bathrooms, or confined spaces.
The space heaters
UGI distributed a limited number of space heaters to high-risk individuals with high need, such as the elderly and the disabled. There is no ongoing distribution of space heaters, Swope confirmed.
If a pipe bursts
If a pipe bursts or if your home sustains any damage as a result of this outage, customers are encouraged to file a claim with UGI. Provided the claim is legitimate and proved to be caused by this outage, UGI’s claim system should cover any repair costs.
Contact 1-800-276-2722 for UGI’s customer service line to begin the claim process.