Lights, cookies and unity at Milford tree lighting
Milford. The Unity in the CommUNITY group brought 500 Love Knot cookies for the crowd at Milford tree lighting. The Grinch came too.

The Milford Tree Lighting event on Saturday attracted a multi-generational crowd and many cookies. Unity in the CommUNITY (UITC) participated in the event by distributing homemade Italian Love Knot cookies to the crowd. On the cookie packages, a label advised, “Celebrate what unites us, rather than what divides us!”
UITC members made and packaged the Love Knots, including Milford Mayor Sean Strub. When he addressed the crowd on Saturday, he acknowledged the UITC organization and Lisa Emery, former mayoral rival, as a member. Emery was at the gathering with other UITC members, Paula Luckring, Fred Weber, Lisa Emery, Nancy Pinchot and Jim Snodgrass, passing out Love Knots.
”It was the kind of community event that brings people together,” Strub said later. “We need more events that involve kids from the school, as in the choir, the business community, the police and fire departments and Milford residents, coming together. People are tired of the angry political rhetoric and want more space for civil discourse, for disagreeing without being disagreeable, and that’s what we’re trying to create in Milford.”
Strub also hailed the Grinch.
“Kudos to Milford Fire Department’s Mike Bello and Milford Police Chief Matt McCormack for getting that together,” Strub said.
The 500 cookies and unity message were received with enthusiasm, Luckring said. UITC plans to bring the event back next year and make it annual. The Grinch was arrested.
People are tired of the angry political rhetoric and want more space for civil discourse, for disagreeing without being disagreeable, and that’s what we’re trying to create in Milford. - Mayor Sean Strub