Pike County Covid Vaccine Resources
All Pennsylvania adults are now eligible to be vaccinated. Demand continues to outweigh supply for Covid vaccines, making difficult for eligible individuals to get an appointment. Please reference the below resources for help finding an appointment, and check links regularly for new openings. We will update this page as new information becomes available.

■The following first-dose, walk-in (no registration required) Moderna COVID-19 vaccination clinics will be held at the Pike County Training Center, 135 Pike County Blvd., in Lords Valley on the following days:
- Wednesday, May 12, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, May 18, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, May 25, Noon to 4:00 p.m.
■ Visit www.pa.gov/guides/get-vaccinated/ and click “Find a Vaccine Provider.” This will lead you to a searchable map of providers throughout the state.
■ Pike County senior citizens without internet access can call the Area Agency on Aging to get on PA Link’s list: 570-775-5550
■ To get notified by Pike County when the county sets up a vaccine clinic, go to pikepa.org and sign up for the Covid Information List.
■ To check availability at local Walgreens, you will need to create an online account at www.walgreens.com and click “Account” and then “Register” to register. After you are registered and signed in, go to the walgreens.com homepage and click “Covid-19 Vaccine Information.” Then click “Find an Appointment,” and then “Get Started.” After filling out the form, you will be prompted to put in your zip code to search for available appointments within a 25 mile radius. Visit vaxxmax.com to see which locations currently have openings.
■ Check availability at nearby Price Choppers by visiting: pricechopper.com/covidvaccine/pennsylvania
■ Check availability at nearby Weis Pharmacies: weismarkets.com/pharmacy-services
■ Check availability at Wayne Memorial Hospital at: wmh.org/covid-vaccine-registration/
■ Check availability at nearby Rite Aids at: riteaid.com/pharmacy/covid-qualifier
■ Check availability through the Lehigh Valley Health Network at: lvhn.org/vaccine. You will have to create an account and sign in to search for online availability. You can also call the LVHN vaccine hotline at: 833-584-6283
■ Check appointment availability at Lords Valley Village Pharmacy by visiting fpnepa.com. Click “Request a Vaccination” and fill out the form.
■ Check availability at nearby Price Chopper Pharmacies at: pricechopper.com/covidvaccine/pennsylvania. Click “Schedule Your Appointment” and create a profile. After logging in, fill out the COVID-19 Assessment. You will then be able to search for nearby appointment availability.
■ Check availability at nearby CVS pharmacies at: cvs.com/immunizations/covid-19-vaccine
■ Check availability at nearby Wal Marts by visiting: walmart.com/pharmacy