Anti-rape group sponsoring a car wash

MILFORD - Rallying Youth Organizers Together (RYOT) Against Rape will be holding a car wash on July 2nd from 10-2 with a rain date of July 9th at Dingmans Car Wash on 739 in Dingmans Ferry. Along with getting your car washed, the group will be selling used CD’s (music of all types) as well as baked goods and “It Stops with Us” bracelets. There will also be free giveaway items at the event. There will be a surprise visit from our Silhouette family, so come and meet them. Rallying Youth Organizers Together Against Rape is a network of regional teen activism groups formed by the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape. Members are high school students-ninth through twelfth graders-that work with local rape crisis centers to meet monthly and create projects by teens for teens to promote understanding of rights in relationships and to stop sexual violence. Pike County Chapter is facilitated by Cindy Stine, Educational Outreach Coordinator/Advocate with Survivors’ Resources. For more information about RYOT Against Rape please call 296-2827 and ask for Cindy.