Builder asks extension

| 29 Sep 2011 | 08:10

    DINGMAN - Township supervisors are considering a “conditional approval application” for Rock Hill Estates, a 200-home subdivision located on Route 739 opposite Lake Adventure. Attorney Jack Fpall asked the Dingman Supervisors Tuesday that his client’s preliminary planning module be conditionally accepted as of Sept. 1, while soil testing is allowed to continue until Dec. 31. The developer would then submit the final planning module by the end of February 2007. The township would then have 90 days to give approval. Supervisor’s Chair Tom Mincer and Solicitor John Klemeyer were uncomfortable with this request. But although it was unusual, Mincer said they would consider some form of the request, due to the size of the project. Mincer did not want the application to run into 2007. He insisted that if the module wasn’t done on time, the conditional application would be deemed incomplete. Resubmission would require the developers to have to redo the application including the substantial fees for a project of its size. Klemeyer suggested that the applicant submit a proposed agreement with all the dates, procedures, and impacts that were discussed. “If the applicant does this, you won’t have to pay me to do it; I’ll just have to review it,” said Klemeyer. Mincer told the developers that the board will review all of this at the next meeting where conditional approval may be granted.