New Rotary officers inducted for ‘23-‘24
Honesdale. The club, which counts about 40 members, also inducted two new members.

Honesdale Rotary inducted its slate of top officers for 2023-2024 in a ceremony at the Hotel Wayne in Honesdale on June 20.
Dana Scott, who has helped organize numerous events in the last year, was installed as president. Kathi McKenna was inducted as vice president, Robert Schwartz as treasurer and Lynne Goodwin as secretary, while Les Curry retained his position as sergeant-at-arms.
The Honesdale club, which counts about 40 members, also inducted two new members: Steve Scott and Deanna Mazzotta.
“I like to be busy and so many organizations need our help. I’m happy to be able to work to that end,” Scott said in a speech to attendees.
Outgoing co-presidents Sherry Grandinetti and Bonny Cousins, along with Lynne Goodwin, received the Rotary’s prestigious Paul Harris Award, which means the club contributed $1,000 to the Rotary Foundation in the name of each member honored.
“I was shocked, surprised and humbled,” Goodwin said about her award. “Joining the Honesdale Rotary Club was one of my best decisions!”
Cousins and Grandinetti spoke to the crowd about the past year and how gratifying it was to accomplish what they did. Through numerous fundraisers, such as the Paw-Parade and the Beer & Wine Garden at Honesdale’s Roots & Rhythm festival, the club helped buy computers for Wayne Highlands Middle School Olympiad students, raised monies for Billy’s New Hope Barn and the Victim’s Intervention Program, funded an AED for Honesdale Little Baseball, contributed to the renovation of the Wayne County Arts Alliance’s new building and participated in spring and fall roadside trash pickups. They also hosted a foreign exchange student, Eiji, from Japan.
“Someone told me the year would go by fast—they lied,” Grandinetti said, adding that she really enjoyed her post.
Honesdale Rotary also sponsors an annual wellness clinic with low-cost laboratory testing and a blood drive and raises funds for Rotary International’s Polio Eradication Project.
Past District 7410 Governor and District Foundation Officer Mary Ellen Bentler officiated the evening’s activities, with Honesdale Rotarian Jim Mould emceeing.
In the true spirit of the club’s service mission, the event included a basket raffle for VIP.
“I truly enjoy working with everyone in this club to help make our community and our world a better place,” said Goodwin, “And that I have so much fun with you all is such a bonus.”