Choosing holiday gifts for school teachers

| 28 Sep 2011 | 03:06

    MILFORD - The subject of adolescent ardor or dismay, teachers traditionally have been the recipients of some unusual gifts around holiday time. We’ve polled them in recent weeks to see what they like and...well, could probably get along without. Our internet polling has allowed some anonymity, but we decided to put the question directly to some Delaware Valley high school teachers. Language Arts teacher, Susan Curtin likes the idea of a gift certificate to a book store or any kind of food. She was diplomatic about other gifts. “I can’t say that I dislike anything.” History teacher, Mark Valentine decided on “nice ties or a corduroy jacket,” and vetoed “ties with characters on them.” Social Studies teacher, Nicole Matz was a team player. “I only want my students to be present the day before Christmas break, on time.” She was easy to shop for. “I would like anything.” Kevin Devizia, a Math teacher wants “Tabasco sauce or TI-89 (calculator) accessories,” and passes on “anything associated with Windows.” Language Arts teacher, John Farrell had a different perspective. “I do not get anything, nor expect anything; Bah Humbug” For a complete wrap on the pros and cons, see page 14.