Deadline set for Upper Delaware grants
NARROWSBURG - The Upper Delaware Council reminds its member towns, townships, and county governments that applications for the 2006 round of the Council’s Technical Assistance Grants (TAG) program must be received by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, July 31. Application packets including guidelines and a brochure of 1988-2005 TAG projects have been distributed to the eight New York towns, three Pike County townships, and the four encompassing counties along the Upper Delaware River. The Wayne County townships of Berlin, Buckingham, Damascus, and Manchester would be eligible to participate in this program if they joined the Upper Delaware Council. The UDC’s Project Review Committee will convene a special meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 8, at 6:30 p.m. at the Council’s Narrowsburg office to review the TAG submissions. Each applicant must send a representative to that meeting to explain the proposed project and answer any questions. Announcement of grant awards is expected at the Thursday, Sept. 7, monthly UDC meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m. at the Council’s office in Narrowsburg. Since the TAG program began in 1988, the Council has awarded $559,292 to help fund 158 projects that further the implementation of the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River Management Plan. For more information on the Technical Assistance Grants program, contact UDC Senior Resource Specialist David B. Soete at P.O. Box 192, Narrowsburg, NY 12764; phone 845 252-3022; fax 845 252-3359; or e-mail