Dispositions in the Pike County Court of Judge Joseph Kameen
MILFORD - After pleading guilty earlier those sentenced in court on June 8 included: Bryon Foit, 19, of Lords Valley, for a November, 2005 charge of Burglary in Lackawaxen Township, was fined $600, ordered to pay restitution and sentenced to serve nine months to three years in state prison. Constance Wydner, 45, of Bushkill, for January, 2006 charges of driving under the influence and following too close in Palmyra Township, was fined $1,525, sentenced to serve 90 days to 12 months in the Pike County Jail and had her license suspended for 18 months. John Herdman, 48, of Dingmans Ferry, for January, 2006 charges of possession of a controlled substance, indecent exposure and resisting arrest in Delaware Township, was fined $600 and sentenced to serve nine months to two years in the Pike County Jail. Shariff Gual, 20, of Port Jervis, for January 2006 charges including driving under the influence in Westfall Township, was fined $525 and sentenced to serve two days to six months in the Pike County Jail. Eric Iorio, 25, of Port Jervis, for an October, 2004 charge of illegally possessing a firearm in Westfall Township, was fined $400 and sentenced to serve 18 months to six years in state prison.