Five Delaware Valley seniors attended ‘Science in Action Day'

| 29 Sep 2011 | 10:11

WESTFALL - Hundreds of high school students and teachers will travel to Susquehanna University over the next month to participate in five “In-Action Days.” The In- Action Day program is designed to provide students with an introduction to a variety of topics in different disciplines on the collegiate level. Each day also includes campus tours, lunch and career information. The second In-Action Day, “Science In-Action,” was held Friday, Oct. 20. The event featured workshops on physics, earth and environmental science, microbiology, mathematics and computer science, physical chemistry, health care/exercise physiology, and biochemistry. This year marks the 21st anniversary of “Science In Action.” Delaware Valley High School sent five seniors to “Science In-Action” Day. These students included Nicholas Troiano, who attended the Environmental Science “Global Warming” workshop; Megan Welker, who attended the Health Care Studies “Exercise Physiology” workshop; Lauren Merikas, who attended the Microbiology workshop; Christina Wolf, who attended the Health Care Studies “Exercise Physiology” workshop; and Adrian Sirko, who attended the Microbiology workshop. The students were accompanied by Mark Nebzydoski, a biology teacher from Delaware Valley High School. For more information on Susquehanna’s In-Action Days, visit .