Flood updates:
Friday ROAD CONDITION UPDATES From Penn DOT- The following is the status as of Friday, June 30, 2006, 1 p.m. ROADS CLOSED: Route 6 is CLOSED in both directions. Route 6 off Exit 46 of Interstate 84 at Cummings Hill is CLOSED Routes 6 & 209 - Matamoras-Port Jervis bridge closed Route 209 Federal Route closed Route 590 -road closed Route 1014 Masthope Rd, Lackawaxen Township Route 1017, Delaware Drive, Westfall Twp. Route 2001 - Milford Rd., Various locations closed Route 2006 - various locations flooded Route 2013 - Milford Beach Road Route 2019 (739? Dingman’s Pike)- Closed from Federal Route 209 to the Dingmans Ferry Bridge Route 4004 - Gumbletown Rd Route 4006, The Tow Path in Lackawaxen Twp. ROADS OPEN: Interstate 84, exit 53 Matamoras/Westfall. One lane open. Route 6: 3 lanes into Matamoras in new commercial district Routes 6 & 209 - Delaware Valley School Route 434, Shohola Bridge OPEN Route 590 - Route 1003-Rowlings Bridge OPEN Route 2006 - various locations OPEN Matamoras Welcome Center Pike County is up and running without any problems. Damage was limited to the Route 6 corridor. The Welcome Center was not impacted. All utilities are on line. The Pike County Commissioners have lifted the State of Emergency effective Friday morning June 30, 2006. TRAVEL AND DETOUR, WEATHER INFORMATION For statewide Pa.: 800-VISIT PA., District 4, Dunmore: 570-963-4044 For all of Pa. including PennDOT districts info: www.DOT.state.pa.us , neparoads.com. N.Y. DOT: 607-721-8118. N.Y.:www.travelinfony.com N.J. DOT: emergency number only: 609-530-4280 N.J.: www.njcommuter.com. (real-time traffic maps and closures) N.J.Turnpike: 800-331-3414 National Weather Service: 800-345-7642; 817-415-3200 -NWS community relations FEES WAIVED HARRISBURG - Pennsylvania is waiving state fees charged to landfill operators in order to speed cleanup efforts after recent flooding. The waiver issued by the Department of Environmental Protection does not apply to fees owed by landfills to municipalities, a matter to be decided individually by local governments. “Removing flood debris as quickly as possible is vital to protecting public health and the environment and also will help our communities return to normal,” Environmental Protection Secretary Kathleen A. McGinty said. The commonwealth also is waiving Act 90 registration requirements for vehicles hauling flood debris to landfills during the emergency cleanup effort. The Waste Transportation Safety Act requires all waste transporters to obtain and display an Act 90 authorization sticker to haul trash in Pennsylvania. STATEWIDE DROUGHT WATCH LIFTED HARRISBURG - The Department of Environmental Protection today lifted the drought watch for all 67 counties in Pennsylvania. Although recent heavy rains caused widespread flooding, groundwater was slow to rebound. Flooded rivers and streams generally move water away too quickly to allow it to soak immediately into the ground to recharge underground aquifers. As of today, groundwater monitoring wells are beginning to respond to the recent rains, with readings reaching or nearing normal levels across the commonwealth.