Frames' shop and gallery

is open at The Lumberyard MILFORD - Jean Work, who has been in the framing business the past three and one half years, recently opened a retail frame shop in The Lumberyard called Works Frame Shop, celebrated with a Grand Opening on Nov. 5. Festivities began with a ribbon cutting by the Pike County Chamber of Commerce. Nearly 100 people attended along with Jean’s Mother, Lee Work, and Sister, Lisa Work, who came in from Kentucky to participate. In addition to framing, the shop has a gallery of original artwork, mostly by local artists. Artists represented include Ken Batelman, Norma Bernstock, Lynn Bookey, Joe DiMaggio, Joanne Greenbaum, JoAnne Kalish, Mark Munro, Ed Nazarko, Anita Ray, Delores Trenner, Madeline Tully & Karl Wint. The shop is open Wednesday to Friday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday and Monday by appointment. For more information call 570-228-9429.