Friends in need of homes

PORT JERVIS - Mercedes is at the shelter due to her owner moving where she can’t go and has become a shelter favorite. Mercedes is a spayed female pit bull terrier mix with maybe some Belgian Malinois mixed in. She is about five years old, housebroken and well behaved loose in the house when alone. Mercedes has brown and black fur mixed together and a dark muzzle. She knows to “sit” , “give paw” and “give other paw.” and teaching her more commands should be easy since Mercedes is very smart and likes biscuits. We don’t recommend a home with toddlers for Mercedes since she is a bit shy around active kids. She has cute wrinkles on her forehead and is very well behaved when being moved around in the kennels. Gus is a three-year old altered male grey tabby. He is a large friendly fellow who has green eyes and is housebroken. If you are interested in Mercedes and Gus, please call or visit the Humane Society of Deerpark/Port Jervis at 202 U.S. Route 209, north during the following hours: Tuesday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or Sunday. 1 to 3 p.m. The shelter is closed every Monday. You can call to check what animals are available at 845-856-3677 or visit . For events and more information about the shelter visit