Get fit this fall
DINGMANS FERRY - Pike Physical Therapy and Fitness has announced their Youth Health and Fitness Programs. New this fall is the “Girls Get Fit” and the return of “Fit Kids” program. Our “Fit Kids” program was introduced to the community last year and ran for three successful 8 week sessions. This year we are happy to be offering it again and are introducing a “Girls Get Fit” program for the 2006/07 school year. The Fit Kids program is designed for children (male & female) 8-12 years of age and begins Tuesday Sept. 26, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Each session runs for eight weeks. The Fit Kids Program strives to improve flexibility, strength/conditioning, nutritional awareness and confidence in our children. The program works on these areas and also promotes positive self-esteem and support for each other. Our new program “Girls Get Fit” was developed as many of our “Fit Kids” graduates needed a place to continue to exercise. “Girls Get Fit” is an exercise class just for girls age 12-15 and begins on Saturday Sept. 23, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Pike Physical Therapy & Fitness offers out patient Physical & Occupational Therapy Services and also houses a full service fitness center offering exercise classes, heavy weight gym, modern equipment, and personal training. Please call 570-686-4300 or stop by our site at 1346 Rt. 739, Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328 for registration information on the above programs, or to learn more about us.