Goose plan on hold

| 29 Sep 2011 | 09:03

    MILFORD - Borough planners on Monday night gave conditional endorsements for a zoning variance and conditional zoning use permit sought by developer Chris Hobbs. Hobbs plans a multi-use commercial site incorporating the former Country Goose at 310 Broad Street and the former auto repair shop at the rear of the property, facing Gooseberry Alley. Planning Commission Chair Ed Raarup said the approval was conditioned on Hobb’s addressing 15 points of concern detailed in a letter from Borough Engineer Michael Weeks, prior to a scheduled July 26 Zoning Board hearing on his parking and setback variance requests. Hobbs has complained about the delays in borough approvals for the project, but Borough Code Officer Duane Kuhn said the developer has been delayed in part because he has tried to cut costs by appearing without his architect, David Wieboldt.