Coffee and computers

| 13 Aug 2015 | 11:23

By Anya Tikka
Coffee and computers go hand and hand, right? Combining the unlikely two, Tommy Ricks has opened A Plus Computer Services and Internet Café in Milford’s West Harford Street.

“Basically, we are solution finders, you come to us with problems, we find a solution," Ricks said. "We know how important it’s for you to get back quickly. Not just quick but we fix it right.”

Ricks said he developed his taste for what he deems "good" coffee while in Europe.

“I have Dutch coffee and a machine that makes it too. A chef from Manhattan used to visit the shop just for our coffee,” he said with a smile, although that definitely is not the main focus of the company.

The store moved from Lord’s Valley during the last week of January, looking for a better location to expand, and it’s paid off already, Ricks explained. While most clients are referrals, the new location attracts walk-in customers that come every day.

Those who come from referrals say, “Hey we’ve heard you’re the best,” he added. “We don’t see them for a year because we fixed it right the first time.”

Starting his second company after going to DeVry University in 2003, Ricks described how this is something totally different from the medical record services he used do.

“I always loved computers, and it’s been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life," Ricks said. "I cannot see myself doing anything else as work, I love my work, my clients mean everything to me. If my clients aren’t happy, I’m not happy. This has been the best thing that’s ever happened to my life.”

The store offers a full range of services, including full office support, fax, internet, and scan, and of course computer repairs. The customers can also do their word or excel work if their computer is down. There is also full IT support — currently, among A+ clients are Milford Township, and Dingman Medical Center.

“We offer full service remotely, or on site,” Ricks continued. “And we do web, logo, and brochure design. If a business wants to brand itself, we’ll design a logo, a web site, envelopes, any type of desktop publishing they need for their business.”

The store also offers a conference room for rental.

Along with computers A plus also troubleshoots cell phones, gaming machines and more.

Ricks will also create backup plans for businesses.

“We realize people don’t back up their business, and then if the hard drive or system crashes, people lose their business," Ricks said. "We’re the company who created data disaster recovery plan. A lot of time we can bring it up, but if the hard drive has crashed, it can be costly.”

He concluded, “Our integrity means everything to us. We’re not going to B.S. you about what your company needs, we don’t want to overcharge, we want to give you the best computer service.”