Concerning ‘hate’ list at DVHS posed ‘no imminent threat’
Milford. A “hate” list featuring several students’ names was reported at Delaware Valley High School Feb. 15. School officials say police investigated the incident and found no viable threat.

On Feb. 15, dozens of parents were notified that their students’ names appeared on a threatening list that was found at Delaware Valley High School.
A post in a local Facebook group for Delaware Valley School District parents called it a “hit list.” The post garnered 250 comments from concerned parents, some of whom clarified that the list was originally titled a “Hate List,” but then allegedly the word “Hit” was added on top in different handwriting.
Multiple parents expressed dissatisfaction with the school’s response to the incident; only parents of students who appeared on the list were notified. Many parents wanted to know the consequences for the students who created the list.
Delaware Valley High School Principal Louis DeLauro said the school took the incident “very seriously,” and handled it according to state guidelines and the student handbook.
The students who created the list were disciplined, though DeLauro said he could not share the details about said reprecussions.
“I can’t even speak with other parents in reference to the discipline that was handed out,” said DeLauro.
DeLauro said police investigated the incident and that “there was no imminent threat to anybody that was involved.”