Construction on Sawkill Creek Bridge set to begin Memorial Day

Milford. Councilmembers also discussed use of Borough Hall and political demonstrations, among other matters.

| 02 Apr 2024 | 02:12

PennDOT told the Milford Borough Council during its Monday workshop meeting that Sawkill Creek Bridge repairs will begin around Memorial Day and last about a year.

The Council had several concerns about the job. For one, PennDOT intends to allow trucks of up to 40 tons to cross the bridge, double the current weight limit. The Council does not want to see trucks that size passing through town.

Also discussed was whether a barrier or a sidewalk should be part of the design. The state said that at some point the bridge would be closed for one month, creating traffic detour problems.

Public, political demonstrations

The council discussed a policy for protesters and other marchers. They voted that marches can’t disturb traffic even if there is no sidewalk. “The purpose of this is to say we don’t want you in the streets, the streets are forbidden,” one council member said. If there is no sidewalk, marchers have to walk on the edge of the street and grass, away from traffic. The council did not vote on this matter.

The council discussed a new rule on Borough Hall rental agreements. Currently no political events are allowed in the hall. A proposal was made to change that to allow political forums open to all candidates for a specific race. One member said he has no problem with political committees using the hall, but another said he would vote against that, citing the contentious presidential election. The council did not vote on this matter either.

Other business

The council wants to push ahead and define an ordinance for food trucks. Right now it’s ambiguous. They were not ready to vote on an ordinance at Monday’s meeting.

The council voted to appoint an alternate engineer — a position that bears no cost to the borough, as it is passed on to applicant.

The council voted to prohibit seasonal parking from Catharine to Ann streets between April 1 and October 31 for baseball season. They want room for emergency vehicles. They also voted to put in the books a “no parking” sign on East John St. by the curb by 4th St. The sign is currently there, but with no ordinance.

The council also decided that an agenda item on paving needs for 2024 will be addressed at the April 15 meeting.

At the end of the public meeting, councilmembers entered executive session to discuss litigation and union matters.