Council president breaks down Milford Borough budget
Milford. The budget was approved at the end of January.

Last week, Milford Borough Council President Joseph Dooley gave details on how this year’s budget will affect local taxpayers. The budget talks took place earlier this year, and the council approved the final numbers on January 22.
According to Dooley’s review, the 2024 mill rate was set at 40.85 mills. This is a reduction of 2.25 mills from last year. A millage rate is used to determine the amount of property taxes a property owner owes; one mill is equal to 0.1% of your property’s assessment. (Property owners determine how much they owe the Borough by multiplying their “taxable assessed value” by .001 and then by the mill rate.)
Milford Borough includes 563 taxable parcels with an assessed value totaling about $20,764,350, and an average Taxable Assessed Value (TAV) of $36,882, which includes commercial properties. For the average assessment ($36,882), the 2.25 mil reduction in property taxes in 2024 amounts to $82.98 in reduced Borough property taxes. The average water rate increase to each residential property owner for 2024 is about $75.
Dooley also noted that the Borough contains 50 parcels that are tax-exempt. The high number of such buildings is primarily due to Milford being the county seat, meaning it has more tax-exempt government buildings than its neighbors.
The Borough expects to raise a total of $542,318 in property tax revenue in 2024, as well as an estimated $30,000 in real estate transactions. When including other fees, fines, interest, taxes, and other revenue sources, the Borough’s projected revenue for its General Fund for 2024 is estimated to be $1,307,259 — an increase of $162,887 from 2023. That revenue will go toward general government operations ($322,750), police ($512,023), planning and zoning ($62,200), trash and sewage collection ($114,426), public works ($237,430), and insurance fees ($58,430).
Dooley also discussed potential revenue sources for the village. “A grants committee was formed in 2022 and will continue to be very active in 2024 researching grants now that we have the funds available for matching grants and the donated assistance of a grant writing company. We received in 2023 a $509,885 grant for the W Harford streetscape project, a $287,000 grant for a new ambulance for our fire company, a DCNR grant of $200,000 for planned renovations to Ann Street Park, an ARLE grant of $19,080 for electronic speed signs, a $12,500 grant from PMVB for exterior renovations to the Borough office building, [and] a PA Historic Commission grant of $7,500 to fund updates to our HARB Ordinance. In addition to grants, we received notice of the waiver we applied for of the required matching funds in the amount of $863,243 for stormwater infrastructure improvements. We will continue to apply for new grants in 2024 to improve the infrastructure of Milford Borough and beautify our community.”
Hooley also gave recognition to volunteer and community member David Heim, who passed away in January 2024. “David served our community for over 12 years as chair of our Zoning Hearing Board and will be missed.”
The full budget breakdown can be found on the Milford Borough website.