Dawn Bukaj
MILFORD. Dawn Bukaj (Democratic/Republican) is running for re-election to the Delaware Valley school board.

Why are you running for school board?
I am seeking a third term on the Delaware Valley school board to continue my dedication to volunteer work for district families, students, and the community.
What are the top three issues facing the district today and how do you plan to address them?
Academic achievement: We are among the best! I intend to support our new superintendent in his commitment to continuing academic success and improvement.
Special education: Having two children of my own who require special education services, I understand completely the struggles and frustrations of district parents who desire not only what the law provides for, but what their student needs for a successful educational experience. I intend to continue advocating for open communication and accountability. Special education should be a team effort focused on the success of the child first.
Community engagement: Our community has become so divided with the most vocal on both the left and right trying to call the shots for the majority. We need to get back to working freely for the district despite distractions. DV is a public school with policy that is parent-centered. No political agenda should be given precedence over a parent’s right to have an active role in their child’s education.
What sets you apart from your challengers?
I have experience in budgeting and contracts, but mostly in working with the public and people from all walks of life. I do research and investigate decisions before the board and then apply what I’ve learned with common sense.
Feel free to add information about your background and qualifications.
As a Christian conservative, married with three boys, my personal convictions play a part in how I govern but I completely understand my role as a school board director and my oath to follow the law. As school board directors we are not charged to make law but to follow it, as I did when I voted to open school during a pandemic and when I voted to allow parents to opt their children out of wearing a mask.