Delaware Valley Action! to hold spongy moth info session

Milford. This community event is in coordination with the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

| 05 Jun 2024 | 02:29

In light of the heavy infestation and damage to the Pike County community caused by the spongy moth caterpillar, Delaware Valley Action! (DVA!) is sponsoring a presentation in Milford by a forester from the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources on June 12. The presentation and question/answer session are open to the public and will take place 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the DVA Community Engagement Center at 315 Broad Street in Milford.

The infestation and defoliation of oaks, apple, and many other trees has resulted in various efforts to eradicate the caterpillars. Some residents are banding/taping their trees; some have called for spraying. Btk and Bti are being suggested due to their non-toxicity for plants and animals. In addition to damage to trees and other foliage, residents have complained of red itchy rashes caused by contact with the hairs on the caterpillars.

DVA! Encourages residents to bring their stories and questions to the professionals from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources who are responsible for handling the spongy moth infestation.

For more information on DVA! and its program on the spongy/gypsy moth caterpillar infestation on June 12th, email