Do the right thing
Milford. Boy Scout James Dognazzi Jr. from Troop 1071 earns the Medal of Merit for a quick-thinking act of heroism.

First Class Scout James Dognazzi Jr. from Troop 1071 in Milford earlier this week was presented with the Medal of Merit from the Boy Scouts of America National Court of Honor.
The Medal of Merit is one of four awards that the Boy Scouts of America presents to outstanding scouts who have rendered special service to others. Specifically, this medal is awarded to scouts for the performance of service well above which is expected of all scouts and scouters in their daily lives and which impacts others to a high degree.
James is 13 and is a seventh-grader at Port Jervis Middle School.
According to Troop 1071 Scoutmaster John Llewellyn, this is how James earned the Medal of Merit:
“On the afternoon of March 12, 2022, First Class Scout James Dognazzi was out sledding with three friends: Nate, Bella and Sadie.
“During the course of the afternoon, a snowball fight broke out between the four friends. Bella and Sadie began running away from the boys.
In their attempt to flee, the girls slid down an embankment and into Gold Creek, a tributary of the Neversink River and fully submerged in the icy water.
“James and Nate heard their screams and went to investigate. James quickly sized up the situation and decided on a course of action.
“He found a long branch, inched himself to the edge of the water and reached out to the panicking, cold, wet girls.
“His calm and assertive instructions helped calm the girls to the point that they could grab hold of the branch. He and his friend pulled the girls from the frigid waters one by one.
“James then hurried the girls home to the care of their parents.”
Well done.