First responders and borough personnel offered free antibody testing
Milford. “Essential employees and volunteers who put themselves at risk to protect us and enable the Borough services to continue to function deserve to know their antibody status,” said borough President Frank Tarquinio.

The Milford Covid Relief Fund has offered to cover the cost of coronavirus antibody testing for volunteers with the Milford Fire Department and EMS service as well as all Milford Borough Police Department, Streets Department, and borough office personnel.
Donations will be made to Milford Borough and the Milford Fire Department to cover the costs for employees and volunteers who choose to get tested.
“Antibodies can be found in the blood of people who are tested after infection and show that people have had an immune response to the infection,” said Dr. Doug Manion, an infectious disease and virology specialist who lives in Milford. “Antibody testing positive means the person has been infected in the past and likely is protected from further infection at least for some time.”
“Essential employees and volunteers who put themselves at risk to protect us and enable the Borough services to continue to function deserve to know their antibody status and I am glad the Milford Covid Relief Fund can help make this happen,” said Frank Tarquinio, who serves as President of the Milford Borough Council.
Dave Ruby, Milford Borough’s Emergency Services Coordinator, welcomed the offer. “While first responders can get tested for coronavirus for free, at the state testing site in Wilkes-Barre, it isn’t fair for them to have to pay out of pocket for antibody testing. This is a good step”
In addition to Manion and Tarquinio, the Fund’s other co-founders are Milford Councilmembers Luke Turano and Joseph Dooley, Milford Mayor Sean Strub and former Councilmember Annette Haar.
To apply for support from the Community Outreach program, the party in need should call 570-296-6214 and leave their contact information. They will be contacted discreetly, by telephone, for a discussion of their needs and eligibility.
Tax-deductible donations can be made payable to “GPCF-MCRF” and sent to Greater Pike Community Foundation, P.O. Box 992, Milford, PA 18337.