Food Pantry provides Thanksgiving dinners for record number of families
Milford. The Ecumenical Food Pantry of Pike County provided food to prepare whole Thanksgiving dinners to 115 families, as the need doubled from last year.

Holidays can be a difficult time for families on limited incomes. Expectations are high and today’s increasing food prices magnify the problem of putting traditional family meals on the table. The Ecumenical Food Pantry of Pike County was there to help again on the way to Thanksgiving.
Last Friday, Milford’s Food Pantry provided Thanksgiving meal fixings to 115 Pike county families in need. The distribution included all the items necessary to prepare a full holiday meal for Thanksgiving. A turkey, along with at least two large shopping bags of groceries loaded with stuffing, potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, rolls, butter, vegetables, coffee, eggs, milk and more went to each family. Volunteers cheerfully pitched in, greeting clients, carrying turkeys, filling and carrying bags.
But, the holiday distribution came with mixed feelings, said volunteer Ed Gragert. “While it felt great to be able to meet need in our community and hear the very appreciative ‘thank you’s’, it was a reality check into the growing need for food assistance. To be able to be serving twice the number of families in November 2022 as we did a year ago is both gratifying and humbling at the same time. In the midst of the day, my heart was warmed by the community member who brought a check up the steps of the pantry to make a donation. Coming together as a united community to meet a need is what it’s all about.”
Treasurer Jim Snodgrass added, “ I’m glad the pantry can provide these meals, but with food prices increasing the way they are, I do worry that we can continue at this level. Just look at the price of a dozen eggs for example. It’s nearly doubled this year.”
The pantry, located at 321 Fifth St. in Milford, has been helping neighbors in need for over 31 years. Every Friday it provides canned goods and staples, along with milk, eggs, meat or chicken and an assortment of fresh fruit and vegetables. Led by Director Nancy Potter, it runs entirely on volunteers and is supported by donations of food and cash by the community.
Story contributed by Jim Snodgrass
While it felt great to be able to meet need in our community and hear the very appreciative ‘thank you’s’, it was a reality check into the growing need for food assistance. - Ed Gragert