Grant helps UDC print handbooks

| 18 Feb 2015 | 10:19

Sullivan Renaissance was awarded a 2014 Environmental Initiatives Grant of $300 to the Upper Delaware Council, Inc. (UDC) to enable the non-profit organization to print copies of its recently updated “Design Handbook for the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River.”

The handbook provides guidance to undertake construction along the federally-designated Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River in ways that ensure harmony with the existing river landscape. It is geared toward builders, developers and landowners planning construction activity, as well as local officials in charge of reviewing development plans.

The UDC sought assistance on Nov. 12 to close a budget shortfall that existed to print full-color copies of the 36-page Design Handbook digital file and distribute copies to each of the planning and zoning boards of the council’s 13 municipal members.

The UDC worked with W Design of Barryville in August and September 2014 to graphically transform the Design Handbook that was originally produced in 1990. New color photos and illustrations, contemporary typography and updated information were added, while preserving the text that summarizes the principles taken from the Land and Water Use Guidelines that are published in the 1986 Final River Management Plan.

Bids solicited in early November to print 100 hard copies of the document exceeded the UDC’s Fiscal Year 2015 (10/01/14-09/30/15) budget allocation for this project, prompting the UDC’s application to Sullivan Renaissance.

Contents include: an Introduction; Background; River Setting; Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River Map; Design Concepts; River Classification Land Uses; Principle A: Maintain High Water Quality; Principle B: Protect Public Welfare; Principle C: Provide for Public Uses; Principle D: Continue Agriculture and Forestry Uses; Principle E: Conserve River Resources; Principle F: Maintain Land Use and Ownership Patterns; a Glossary; and Sources of Assistance.

The 2014 Design Handbook is available for online consultation on the Publications page of the UDC’s website at To request a copy, contact the UDC office located at 211 Bridge Street, PO Box 192, Narrowsburg, NY 12764; 845-252-3022; or e-mail

Sullivan Renaissance is a beautification and community development program principally funded by the Gerry Foundation. For information about its programs, visit or call 845-295-2445.