Honesdale. Grant-writing program for non-profits, municipalities July 26

Penn State Extension is offering a workshop on grant-writing for non-profit organizations and municipalities seeking financial support for a project.
The workshop addresses how to work effectively with foundations, components of an effective proposal, evaluation strategies, and how a grant proposal is reviewed. It will also have a panel presentation of representatives from local foundations and a state elected official representative.
The program will be held on July 26, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Wayne County Extension office at 648 Park St., Suite E, in Honesdale. The cost of the workshop is $25/person, which includes lunch. Funding to subsidize the participant cost of this workshop has been provided by The Wayne County Community Foundation.
This workshop is recommended for staff, volunteers and board members of community nonprofits, local governments and other community organizations.
To register, go to https://extension.psu.edu/getting-the-most-from-your-grant-writing-efforts
For more information, contact Peter Wulfhorst at ptw3@psu.edu or 570-832-2803.