Milford Lions Club holds third annual 5k event for a cause
Milford. The 5k helped raise funds for the Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Milford Lions Club.

The Milford Lions Club held its third annual Fall Classic 5k run/walk on October 21 to raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Milford Lions Club. According to organizers, the event was sponsored by more than 40 local businesses and residents who walked, ran and rode in strollers for the event.
The first male finisher was Gary Dennis and the first female finisher was Stephanie Fort. Second place finishers were Mike O’Keefe and Audrey Dennis. And third place finishers were Martin Nowak and Krista VanHorn. The Quinn family, a family with a long history in Pike County and in the Milford Lions Club, was particularly well represented, with 13 family members ranging in ages from one to 93 years old participating.
For more information about the Milford Lions Club, visit