Milford to observe Veterans Day
Milford. The ceremony will honor all members, past and present, of the United States Armed Forces.

Local veterans invite the community to join a ceremony in Milford in observance of Veterans Day.
Hosted by the Marsch-Kellogg American Legion Post 139, the observance will be held at 11 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 11, at the Pike County Soldiers and Sailors Monument in Kiehl Park, located at Broad and High Streets. The assembly time is at 10:30 a.m.
The ceremony will honor all members, past and present, of the United States Armed Forces. It will proceed as follows:
Opening remarks will be made by Commander Connie Harvey of American Legion Post 139
The opening prayer will be given by John Kupillas, Chaplain of American Legion Post 139
The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by Jim Mulligan of the American Legion Post 139 Executive Board
The keynote speaker will be introduced by Commander Harvey
The address and keynote will be given by the Honorable Mayor Sean Strub
The Sounding of Taps and Salute to Colors will be led by the bugler of the U.S. Marine Corps Legion 909
The closing prayer will be given by Chaplain Kupillas
The closing remarks and dismissal will be given by Commander Harvey
All participating units will proceed to Milford Beach, where American Legion Post 139 will conduct a short ceremony and launch a wreath float in honor of comrades who served in the Navy and Coast Guard. The Marine Corp League will conduct a service at Milford Cemetery.
All participants are invited back to American Legion Post 139 for food and beverages.
For more information call American Legion Post 139 at 570-296-8805.