Mission accomplished!
Milford. Suzanne Williamson completes her journey.

Milford’s Suzanne Williamson completed her cross-country journey, reaching the Pacific Ocean on Sunday, Aug. 11, in Washington state. Her bicycle trip of more than 3,700 miles began May 8 in Washington, D.C.
“I arrived in the beach and immediately FaceTimed my husband, Brian,” Williamson said. “He opened up a beer and we toasted. I had picked up a beer at a deli before arriving. Cheers!”
For Williamson, a retired teacher and military veteran, this journey was the thrill of a lifetime.
“I am thankful that Warrior Expeditions chose and believed in me and the six other veterans to participate in this epic journey of a lifetime across America,” she said. “I wish the best for fellow veterans John, Mike, Brandon, Callie, Allen and KP. There has been so many incredible people that have become friends that I’ve met along the way that helped complete this journey. What a way to begin retirement!”
The ride was made possible by Rails to Trails Conservancy and Warrior Expeditions, an outdoor therapy program that helps veterans transition from their wartime experiences through long-distance outdoor expeditions.