Pike Chamber hosts fall open house

| 30 Sep 2015 | 02:43

— The Pike County Chamber of Commerce is holding a fall open house from 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 15, at 209 East Harford St. in downtown Milford.

Stop in and enjoy light refreshments and snacks from board members, take photos with fellow Pike Chamber members, meet and greet with the chamber’s board of directors, network with business professionals and learn what a Chamber of Commerce is find out more about all of the benefits and services that Pike County Chamber provides to our members.

The event is open to all current members, non-members, volunteers and the community. Bring your business cards, friends, associates and potential new members who want to find out more about the chamber and how it can help you.

There will be door prizes. Those who join during the open house will receive 20 percent off the membership fee.

For more information or directions, call 570-296-8700 or email info@pikechamber.com.

The chamber is also seeking sponsors for its comedy event on Friday, Nov. 13, at the Historic Milford Theater.