Pike County celebrates National County Government Month

Milford. County officials highlight a handful of agencies examples of how they provide public service.

| 26 Apr 2023 | 04:38

    Each April, the National Association of Counties (NACo) encourages counties across the country to participate in National County Government Month (NCGM) to raise public awareness about county roles and responsibilities.

    The theme of this year’s NCGM is “Counties RISE.”

    The theme is an acronym for and highlights Resiliency, Inclusion, Solvency, and Empowerment, all county priorities undertaken with energy and passion for building stronger counties.

    While all departments provide excellent public service, this year, Pike County has chosen to highlight a few.

    Area Agency on Aging (AAA)

    The AAA provides a variety of programs and services to Pike County residents 60 years old and over. This NCGM, the AAA would like to highlight the Caregiver Support Program.

    The Pennsylvania Caregiver Support Program provides resources and assistance to individuals who assume the primary responsibility for the provision of care. The program aims to alleviate the stresses associated with caregiving by focusing on the well-being of the care giver, providing access to respite care, addressing the need for formal and informal supports, and providing financial reimbursement for out-of-pocket costs associated with caregiving-related services and supplies. The program is administered through local Area Agencies on Aging.

    The Pike Caregiver Support Program has the capacity to accept additional caregivers into the program. It currently assists four caregivers caring for older adults and five grandparents raising grandchildren. The office has the opportunity to help assist more families in need and is encouraging caregivers to apply. Please contact the AAA at (570) 775-5550 to learn more about program eligibility.

    Community Planning

    The county is currently in the process of updating the Comprehensive Plan. This is completed every 10 years to provide a framework for future growth, development, and preservation activities. The County officially launched the process for updating its County Comprehensive Plan in September 2022, with expected adoption in Spring 2024.

    The Community Planning Office is responsible for the administration of the project. The County has contracted with the firm Michael Baker International to manage the planning process and draft the Implementable Comprehensive Plan Update. Michael Baker has also brought in The Institute, an economic research and applied research consulting group based in Wilkes Barre, PA, to support the project.

    The Comprehensive Plan update is in the community input stage. A community survey has been created to gather the public’s ideas and priorities for the future of the County. This community survey will inform the Imagine Pike 2035 Comprehensive Plan which guide the County’s vision and efforts for the next 10 years. Complete the survey today and share your feedback on priorities for transportation, housing, economic development, community facilities, natural resources, and more. The survey will be available until May 31, 2023, and can be accessed on the county website, www.pikepa.org or https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WVJCM3V.

    Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Program

    CASA is a program designed to advance the well-being of children in dependency court proceedings. The program is centered around best-interest advocacy and individualization. The focus on one child, one case, allows volunteers ample time to gather information by talking to the child, family, and foster family. Information is relayed to the Judge, to aid in making the optimal decision for the child.

    As of April 2023, the program has 20 volunteer advocates able to serve the 30 children with active cases.

    CASA is recruiting caring individuals to serve as volunteer advocates. There is no typical volunteer. Current volunteers vary in age, background, and occupation. This year, CASA intends to train additional advocates to ensure that every child who is eligible receives an advocate.

    Applicants are rigorously screened and trained by their local program. Prior to accepting a case, each volunteer is required to receive more than 30 hours of training, with an additional 12 hours of continued education annually.

    The next round of training is scheduled to begin on May 1, 2023. Sessions will occur twice a week, in the evening from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. via Zoom, and will conclude May 25, 2023.

    Veterans Affairs

    The Pike County Veterans Affairs office is dedicated to serving the Veteran population of Pike County. Our two accredited Veterans Service Officers are able to assist the approximately 4,000 Pike County Veterans and their families with issues concerning federal, state and county benefits.

    Services provided by the office include County Benefits, State Benefits, and Federal Benefits, including Real Estate Tax Exemption Programs, Pike County Veterans Discount Card, Cemetery Flags, Filing of Claims such as Disability, Service-Connected Deaths, Dependent and Indemnification, Pensions, VTA Grants, and Assistance with Homelessness.